Saturday May 21, 2022
Saturday May 21, 2022
Part 2 of my Radio Sidney interview with Nicola Furlong where we chat all things Digital Marketing & Communications!
Sunday May 08, 2022
Sunday May 08, 2022
Radio Sidney recently interviewed me about my digital marketing business…it was so fun - thank you Nicola Furlong! Here is the caption for the show on their Social Media links:
Psst…wanna promote something? Sure you do. We all need to communicate better in our ever-evolving digital landscape. But how? Simple answer, ask an expert. Today, Nicola begins her chat with John Juricic of Harbour Digital Media, a consulting firm specializing in the elusive digital marketing punch to break through the social media static. Not easy, but with John’s extensive experience as a bleeding edge adopter of today’s communications tools, telling your story online can be as simple as Tic Toc.
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